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Sea to PreserveExplore Responsibly

Sea to Preserve

The Palm Beaches are known for world-famous hotels, boutiques and golf, but we are also home to stunning natural areas, protected wetlands and dive sites teeming with life. From eco-friendly attractions such as the Loggerhead Marinelife Center and Manatee Lagoon to protected wildlife areas, there’s no better place than The Palm Beaches to experience the miracle of nature. So please birdwatch, hike, bike, and snorkel responsibly—it’s the best way to preserve our natural resources for future generations to enjoy.

Share your favorite outdoor memory in The Palm Beaches on social media with the hashtag #LoveThePalmBeaches.

Upcoming Events

The Taras Oceanographic Foundation and the City of Riviera Beach celebrate World Oceans Day with a live music performance and an art exhibit. The solo music performer this year is Michael Fix, who will be flying in from his home Brisbane, Australia, to deliver one of the most exciting guitar performances you can imagine. The art exhibit will feature works from Michael Alexander, Suzanne Barton, Jerilyn Brown, Kris Davis, Gwen Eyeington, Ron Garrett, Rochelle Irons, Lupe Lawrence, Cynthia Oakes, Rose Shaw, and Steph Stinch.

When: June 7, 2024

Where: Marina Event Center, 190 E 13th Street, Riviera Beach, FL 33404

Tickets are free but must be reserved here.

Tips for Exploring

Leave No Trace.
When exploring our natural areas—pack it in, pack it out. Bring what you need for your trip with you, and make sure you leave nothing behind. Place all trash in designated receptacles or take it with you when you leave.

Be Prepared.
Our natural areas are subject to the elements and the wildlife that call them home. Please do your research ahead of time—wear proper attire and bring the right gear for your adventure.

Sea Turtle Safety.
Turtles are excellent navigators in open water, but have poor vision on land where they lay their eggs. Therefore, it’s critical to keep our beaches free of debris and potential obstacles. Please fill in any holes you dig, knock down sand castles, and remove beach chairs & toys. During nesting season (March through October), leave lights off and do not disturb nests.

Fishing Friends.
Always check for sensitive habitats before anchoring, either visually, from a nautical chart, or using the Southeast Florida Reefs Map. Vessels 35 feet or smaller can safely moor to one of our system of buoys to protect offshore reefs. Please retrieve all fishing line and nets from the water to ensure fish and birds don’t get caught up

Manatee Safety.
Manatees are protected by the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act, and are federally protected by both the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act. Observe all no wake zones and all boating signs to protect these gentle giants.

NOTE: You will not be cited if you accidentally collide with a manatee while obeying speed restrictions. Please take immediate action and call Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).

Adventure Awaits.
Join us as we explore the wild side of Palm Beach County at FREE naturalist-led events that provide one-of-a-kind experiences like guided hikes, paddles, bike rides, wildlife tracking and more. Each event aims to inspire and help connect people with nature.

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